Help Your Plants Survive the Summer

Help Your Plants Survive the Summer

Summer is now in full swing, meaning it’s time to switch into summer plant care mode. While some plants thrive in high temperatures, others will require extra care and protection. Here are a few summer plant care tips that will keep your indoor plants beautiful through the heat of the summer:

1. Check Soil Moisture Level More Frequently

Everyone knows that proper watering is key for plant care, and over-watering is one of the most efficient ways to damage your houseplant. Additional heat and sun causes water to evaporate from soil at much faster rates, so check your plants’ moisture level more frequently during the summer.

2. Shade Sensitive Plants From Too Much Sun

Did you know that plants can also get sunburn? Move any sensitive indoor plants further into your home to give them extra protection from the sun during the summer.

3. Promote High Humidity

Plants that require high humidity should be misted more frequently during summer months. You can also fill a shallow dish with water and place is under your pot to create a more humid environment.

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